Driven by Democracy Our current system is out of date. We understand despair and cynicism, especially among younger generations; we must make these radical changes to re-energise our whole democratic process. The new Assembly for Health and Education will encourage involvement from all parts of our society; it is not a project just for “technocrats” or “insiders”. We aim to replace cynicism with dynamism and we strive for a more active, inclusive society. We deserve better.
A Passion for Standards Standards, standards and more standards. Quite simply we do not accept that our levels of performance, both in teaching and in health care, are good enough. All members of the new Assembly will be active players, taking on their responsibility to give a lead and make improvements happen. We will work better.
Fixated on Fairness Why is it that our schools still cannot guarantee enough compensatory support for children from disadvantaged backgrounds? Why is it that private schools still supply disproportionately more students to our top universities (it is not the fault of the universities)? Why is it that poor people have to die earlier than the rich? Despite sixty years of investment in our two great public services, blatant inequalities persist. We are determined to change this. We will do better.
Trusting in Ourselves This whole project is based on trust; trust that we can agree on a broad consensus for Health and Education, trust that new leaders will come forward, trust that the electorate will respond. We reject the lazy thinking that we cannot cope without representatives from old style “politics”. We trust better in ourselves.
Giving not Taking Our only motivation is public service. We are not looking for a job for life or a cosy club or a platform for political egos. We are only concerned to ensure that we manage our Health and Education better for the good of all. What is more we want to achieve this by setting new standards in openness and competence. Better all round!